About Us
Who is Torta?
Torta is a group of passionate individuals who love mountain biking and love where they live. Megan Stech is the President, Ron Baker is the Secretary, Moria Belsey is the Treasurer, Craig Clary runs the Social Media, Jeff McNamee is a board member grant writer, Ben Moon does Media, and Julian Fields Website.
Although no longer a board members Josh Venti, owner of Bros. & Landscaping, is our trail building, design and development expert. Videography and editing is from none other than our homie Nate; Nathan Holstedt NH Films.
Our Story
Tillamook Off-Road Trail Alliance was formed in March of 2018, and gained non-profit status (501c3) soon after by merging with Pacific City Pathways. TORTA is a small group of passionate community members that see a very bright future for mountain biking in Tillamook County.
As surfers and mountain bikers we are always looking for the next best ride. When the Sand Lake Project Area came available we jumped at the idea to bring mountain biking to the coast. As avid recreationists, we have come together to design and create a mountain bike trail system directly north of Pacific City in the Hebo Ranger District of the Siuslaw National Forest.
Pacific City located in South Tillamook County has the most amazing diverse coastal forest and ocean beaches. It has been a long time destination for nature goers of all sorts. We are surrounded by amazing topography, dense forests, incredible soils, and inspiring views. To have an extensive world class mountain bike trail network good for all levels of experience nestled into the Pacific forest with beautiful ocean views would be an amazing offering to the community and all. We see an underserved user group that will blossom with the addition of this recreation resource to our county. Both residents and visitors alike will be able to healthfully recreate year round and help build community through this activity.
We have been working all the angles with land managers, landowners, local government and the Forest service to make this project happen. We have had tremendous support from everyone and we are diligently working to make this dream come true.